A whole lot of business relates to good fortune or business smarts around
timing. So when exactly should business owners investigate and pursue government
loans? We're talking specifically about the Canada small business loan, and our
recommendation is: right about now!When many Canadian business owners or
hats of Dortmund financial managers of start up firms, or firms
that are under, say five million dollars in revenue think of a government loan
they might tend to think of this as some sort of handout or something involving
a strategic tax break of sorts. That's the farthest thing from the truth around
the SBL loan program in Canada.If we had to describe it simply ( that's our
style by the way ) we'd say it was a specially tailored financing program for
new or smaller firms that provides access to funding and financing you normally
might not qualify for under more traditional criteria and from those '
traditional' institutions, aka our beloved Chartered banks.So when you take the
time to understand the program, ensure you qualify for it you just might agree
with most that its one of the most superior financings in today's economy.We're
referred several times to the amount of 5 Million dollars as a revenue size.
That's for a reason, which is simply that the program Luis
wear Arsenal hats is only offered to firms that have under 5
Million dollars in sales or who are start up, pre revenue in nature. Franchises
by co incidence are great candidates for this the Canada Small Busines Loan,
technically referred to as the federal BIL/CSBF program.Recall also that we
identified the SBL as being perfect for firms who couldn't access traditional
bank financing. Well, if you are looking for some irony, those same banks that
might not have provided you with the financing you wanted are actually the same
entities that administer and run the program. How ironic! It's just that the
majority of the loan, when approved, is in fact guaranteed to the bank by those
good folks at INDUSTRY CANADA in Ottawa.So are SBL loans one of those secrets
only shared and utilized by some. You decide, because for the latest statistics
available over. 7000 firms in 2010 used the program for billions of dollars in
financing. That might be one of your competitors by the way.What makes the
program so Villa
like snapbacks great? The fundamentals are simply very attractive
from a financing point of view. Rates are just several points over the bank
prime rate, terms are from 5-7years typically, and even items such as leasehold
improvements can be financed - those items typically being very difficult to
finance under any financing at any time. Actually BIL, the technical term of the
program stands for Business Improvement loan.So, yesterday? Already gone. The
future - who knows where your firm will be at. So consider now as the
appropriate time to investigate SBL government loans as a vehicle for business
financing success. Speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian
business financing advisor today on why this program is right, right now
Snapback hats!